
produce laying on countertop

Storing Fruits and Vegetables to Reduce Food Waste

Last week Katy shared about how she uses canned and frozen fruits and vegetables, along with fresh, in her meals, to help stretch her grocery budget. Today I want to share a few tips and resources on storing produce.  Storing fruits and vegetables properly will help them last longer and taste better. The longer produce lasts, the longer you have to use it before it goes bad and it has to be thrown out. Food wasted is money wasted and we want to limit both of those!

Frozen Vegetables

Canned and Frozen Produce Over Fresh? Give it a Try!

Last month Jody wrote a blog highlighting tips to help us save money at the grocery store. Recently I have found that some of the fresh produce I used to buy on a regular basis has started to increase my family’s grocery bill. To lower my grocery bill but still get the same nutritional benefits, I have found that swapping in canned and frozen produce options has worked out well for many recipes that my family enjoys. Below are a few tips for purchasing these options.

Meal Planning

Planning your Meals with Family Favorite Recipes

Planning your meals and using your meal plan to make a grocery list are a top tip for saving money on food. By planning your meals and using a list when you shop, you know exactly what you need to buy and are less likely to buy items you don’t need.

Food Costs

The Total is What??

It’s no secret that food costs are rising. My trips to the grocery store are costing me more than usual and I imagine yours might be too. Here are a few ways to save money on food, including tips for reducing food waste. For additional information and resources on how to make the most of your money at the grocery store visit us at Spend Smart. Eat Smart.   

Healthy Fats

Facts about Fat

As with most nutrition topics, there is a lot of information shared about fat. Sometimes people say fat is bad for you while other people say it’s good for you. This can be confusing. Here are a few things to keep in mind about fat.

National Nutrition Month BLOG

‘Celebrate a World of Flavors’ during National Nutrition Month®

Every March the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics celebrates National Nutrition Month®. This year’s theme is ‘Celebrate a World of Flavors’. Here are some tips to help you do just that: