Spend Smart. Eat Smart.


baking cookies

Extra Sweet Memories

I have fond memories of the holidays as a child and now that I have two young daughters of my own, creating that same Christmas magic has been such a joy! Our oldest daughter is six and she’s starting to remember a lot of our holiday traditions. She remembers specific decorations that need to be unboxed, fun holiday events we do every year, and she even remembers special foods that we prepare that aren’t typically on our family’s menu. Read below to hear about a few of her favorites!

leftover holiday casserole

Spend Smart. Eat Smart. with Family – Holiday Edition

We are in the midst of a blog series where we ask our family members about food, specifically around the holidays. It’s my turn and we get to hear from my dad, Bob! He’s a man of few words so you’ll see I added some color commentary to his answers.

colorful plate

The ‘Colorful’ Plate

Before my daughters were born, I pictured myself making elaborate homemade meals to fill their plates with a variety of foods. I’m 6 years into being a mom and to be honest, feeding my two kids can be tough, especially when they are often choosy eaters! My own expectations of feeding my kids have changed as time has gone on. The older my girls get the harder it is to get them to eat a variety of foods. We often go through phases where they love a specific food one week and then turn up their nose to it the next.

chicken fajitas

MyPlate Series – Christine

We’re kicking off a series of blogs about MyPlate this week. MyPlate is a simple guide to help us think about food groups at meals and snacks. A few of us Spend Smart. Eat Smart. blog authors will share how we use the MyPlate ideas at home.

Magical Fruit Salad in a dish

Elevate Your Dessert

I love dessert and always find myself wanting something sweet after my meals or throughout my day to satisfy my “sweet tooth”. I have been this way ever since I can remember. As a young child I relished birthday cake at parties for friends and family, so now I consider myself an experienced consumer of all desserts!

kids cooking in the kitchen

Taking Over the Kitchen

Last week Katy shared about how she includes her young children in the kitchen. My children are a little bit older and it has been fun to watch their skills and interest improve in the kitchen. Here are some of the things all three of my children help with in the kitchen: