

| Christine Hradek

假期已经全面展开! 我喜欢送礼,并思考我生命中的人会喜欢和使用的东西。 我喜欢为其他人做饭,我认为这是表达你对他们的爱和关心的好方法。 食物礼物可能是在节日期间向某人致谢的一种简单而廉价的方式。 这里有一些我喜欢的!

定制香料混合物:我喜欢在假期期间随身携带一些小礼物,以防有人邀请我去他们家或意外来访。 我可以在杂货店花几美元买香料,把它们混合成我喜欢的混合物,然后装进几个小罐子里。 这些是现成的礼物,可以给别人一点我的厨房的味道。 Taco Seasoning 是我的最爱之一!

甜食:在朋友的家或工作场所放上甜食是表明你在想他们的好方法。 这些款待是适合旅行的人群。

一顿舒适的饭菜: 在假期邀请朋友来玩不一定是花哨或昂贵的。 一大锅汤和一条面包是一顿美味而喜庆的饭菜。 代替礼物,邀请您的朋友共进晚餐,并尝试这些美味的汤之一。

免揉全麦面包黄金玉米面包 是这些汤的绝佳配菜。



Christine Hradek
Christine Hradek

Christine Hradek is a State Nutrition Specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. She coordinates ISU’s programs which help families with low income make healthy choices with limited food budgets. Christine loves helping families learn to prepare healthy foods, have fun in the kitchen and save money. In her spare time, Christine enjoys cooking, entertaining and cheering on her favorite college football teams with her family and friends.

Christine Hradek

Christine Hradek is a State Nutrition Specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. She coordinates ISU’s programs which help families with low income make healthy choices with limited food budgets. Christine loves helping families learn to prepare healthy foods, have fun in the kitchen and save money. In her spare time, Christine enjoys cooking, entertaining and cheering on her favorite college football teams with her family and friends.

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