
Frozen Pudding Sandwiches

The Perfect Summer Treat

With summer in full swing, my kids enjoy having a cold treat when we get home from a walk or the pool. If it were up to my oldest, who is 5, she would love to have popsicles or ice cream cones every day. As a compromise, we make Frozen Pudding Sandwiches to keep in the freezer when we want a frozen treat. The combination of peanut butter and pudding is tasty and filling.

kids helping in the kitchen

Making (Messy!) Memories

I have fond memories of cooking and baking with my mom as a child. Some of my favorite kitchen memories include baking muffins and cookies, and making homemade beach plum jelly with fruit we would handpick from the beach. Being one of four kids, spending time with my mom in the kitchen allowed for quality one on one time, and now that I have children of my own, I see just how valuable that time can be.


Pizza Made Easy

Whenever I get asked what my favorite foods are, pizza is at the top of my list with tacos being a close second. There are so many options for pizza that I could write it into my meal plan several times in one week and not get tired of eating it. When I have a hankering for a slice (or two!), especially for lunch, Pizza Boats are a quick way for me to satisfy that craving.


The microwave is singing!

Occasionally I need recipes that require minimal time, effort, and equipment. I love cooking and making big meals for my family. But with both of our kids in activities during the week, sometimes a meal or a snack that can be made in the microwave is the way to go. My kids enjoy that our microwave is low enough in our pantry for them to help. My preschooler can practice her numbers by helping me use it for cooking, and when the timer ends it sings a little jingle which my toddler loves to dance to. Using the microwave throughout the day is a win for everyone at my house!

cutting vegetables on a cutting board

“Mom, What’s for Dinner”?

As a busy mom to two kids under 5, I get asked “mom, what’s for dinner?” around the same time every day. To help me stay organized, every Saturday I decide on a meal plan devoted strictly to dinners for the upcoming week. By looking at each day individually I have a better idea of how much time I will have to devote to preparing dinner. This also helps me track which days my family has evening commitments that may make it more difficult to prepare a time-intensive meal.

kids jumping on a couch

Baby, It’s Cold Outside! Staying Active During Iowa Winters

I am not the biggest fan of Iowa winters. I grew up on the coast with mild winters. My first experience in Iowa, where the temperatures reached single digits and schools were still open, was an adjustment! One thing that has stuck with me since relocating to a colder state is ‘there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing’. Now that I have two young kids at home, it’s important to keep my family as active as I can during the winter to burn off their energy while increasing mine.

overnight oats

The Breakfast that Makes Itself!

I am not the biggest fan of warm oatmeal. I never seem to get the consistency right making it either too runny or too dry. Though I don’t like traditional oatmeal, I do love using old fashioned and quick oats when I bake. Over the years I have found that my container of oats sometimes sits in the kitchen cabinet untouched for months. Cue Overnight Oats! This is a great breakfast option that uses oats as one of the star ingredients. Not only do I get to use an item in my kitchen that would normally sit on the shelf (sometimes past its prime), but I also have a nutritious breakfast that I can grab and go when I am in a bit of a rush.


“Mom, I’m hungry!”

As a mom of two young kids, it seems like I spend most of my day preparing meals and snacks. Now that my oldest is back at preschool, having planned snacks during the week saves me a lot of time when we are running to and from activities. I love snacks that can be thrown together quickly and are easy to transport wherever we find ourselves throughout the day.

sheet pan dinner with meat and vegetables

Katy’s Go-To Summer Meal

My family’s schedule is picking up now that summer is in full swing. Even though my kids are little (4.5 years & 10 months), I find that we are constantly on the go. Whether we are at the pool, a playground, or simply playing outside after naps, having quick dinners that don’t take a lot of time to prep and clean-up is a must!

Peanut Butter Berry Smoothie

Breakfast at Katy’s

I will be the first to admit that mornings at my house can be chaotic. Getting a preschooler and a 9-month-old ready for school drop off can be quite the challenge. Now that we are rounding the corner to summer break, I know our mornings will become slightly more relaxed. But our days will soon fill up with warm weather activities. Having a filling breakfast can ensure that we have enough energy to keep up with our busy schedules.


“More Green Trees, please”

Broccoli is a staple vegetable in both the fridge and freezer at my house. My preschooler has always loved broccoli- especially if it is steamed or roasted. When she was younger, she would request broccoli with her meals by asking for the “tiny green trees”. Thankfully all of us enjoy broccoli so it is an easy request to fulfill. Below are a few ways that we include tiny green trees into our meals and snacks.

whole roasted chicken

My Top 3 Reasons to Roast a Chicken

Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite meal to cook. I love the smell of a roasting turkey and making multiple meals with the leftovers is the best. One downside to roasting a turkey is that it takes several hours, and whole turkeys are harder to find at the store after the holidays. Having two young kids, I need quick meals that don’t require many ingredients yet provide me with leftovers to use throughout the week. Cue roasted chicken! Roasting a whole chicken is easy and helps me create several meals from one dish. The aroma while it cooks is a bonus 😊.