
Bountiful Bell Peppers
My family and I love peppers because of how versatile they are. They can add flavor and crunch to any dish, or are great eaten raw. Whole peppers last a week or two in the fridge, making them a perfect produce item to stock up on.

Totally Tomatoes
What ripens to red, orange, purple, or yellow, has seeds, and is bursting with the fresh flavor of summer? Tomatoes come in a rainbow of colors; the most common is red, of course. Tomatoes add color, nutrients, and interest to our meals. Not only can we chop, slice, and eat them fresh, but they serve as the base for recipes and sauces in many cultures. If you want to find new recipes from cultures around the world there are some ideas below, or you can check out Oldways.

Have you ever made homemade guacamole? I had not until I first made our July recipe of the month. I assumed I could not make it as well as a restaurant or the tubs of guacamole I bought from the store. I was both right and wrong. This recipe is certainly not as good as my favorite restaurant guacamole, but it is better than the tubs of guacamole from the store. The first time I made it, I liked it so much that I ate half of it for lunch one day and the other half the next day.

What Fruits and Veggies do You Like?
This past year, we have been asking people about their favorite seasonal produce. We are going to continue sharing this month, starting with my family. I decided to ask my three children what fruits and veggies they like to eat in the summertime. We are very lucky to have a small garden at our home and access to larger gardens at grandpa’s and grandma’s homes, which you will see reflected in their answers below.

Peppers on Parade!
It has been a fun month reading all about our favorite summer produce items. It is a real joy to have summer produce from the grocery store, farmers market or even your own back porch. I enjoy nearly all summer produce, but I would say peppers rise to the top for me. They are delicious raw and cooked and they can be sweet or spicy.