

30 Days of Movement with Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Being physically active is one of the most important things people of all ages can do to improve their health. Being active has many benefits, including:

kids playing hopscotch

Physical Activity: Good for your body and mind

We often hear about the many benefits physical activity has for our physical health but it also has numerous benefits for our mental health. Mental and physical health are closely connected. By being physically active, you can reduce your risk of heart disease and your risk of depression and anxiety. And you don’t have to workout for long periods of time to get the benefits. Short amounts of physical activity throughout the day add up and make a difference.

Getting Active when Time is Tight

It is important to me that my family eat well, but being active matters too. As a working mom of two daughters I am always looking for more energy!  The cheapest and easiest way for me is by adding physical activity into my day. It feels great to get the blood pumping through my body. Afterwards I always think I’m so glad I did that.   But being a mom with limited time requires creativity. Currently my three favorite ways to get active are:

comparison of fiber in foods

The Down Low on Kids and Constipation

When I was asked to write a blog for back to school the first topic that came into my mind was kids and constipation. It is often a topic no one wants to bring up, but once someone does, everyone wants to talk about it!

pumpkin pudding

Flavors of Fall Zipped up in a Bag

When my girls were young we often made Pumpkin Pudding for a fall dinner dessert. Pudding is inexpensive and also light and not overly filling. The Pumpkin Pudding recipe includes a full can of pumpkin, so you are also getting the added fiber and Vitamin A pumpkin is known for. With the pumpkin pie spice seasoning added, it tastes like pumpkin pie!

kids running outside

5-2-1-0 Campaign – Screen Time and Physical Activity

As a parent, it is easy for me to look at the 2-1 of the 5-2-1-0 Campaign and think, “That is not possible”. The 2 stands for 2 hours or less of screen time per day and the 1 stands for 1 hour or more of physical activity per day. However, the more I think about it, I know that this goal is possible for us.

people stretching by touching their toes

Boost your Muscles Bones and Brain

Being physically active is one of the most important things Americans can do to improve their health. Being active is so good for you. It gets the blood pumping, from your heart to all your muscles, bones and brain. As a result, it prevents a whole host of chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancer. It is good for our mental health and helps with healthy aging as well.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Play Your Way One Hour a Day

Last week we talked about the new physical activity recommendations for adults. Today we’ll focus on the kiddos (age 6-17).

Woman on top of mountain

Physical Activity – It’s Not Just About Weight

We know being active is important for our health. But sometimes it’s hard to do something routine that we might not see the benefits from until years down the road. One thing that can help is focusing on the immediate benefits you get from being active right now!

man and woman walking

I Like to Move it Move it!

Today I’m excited to share with you a new feature that was added to our Spend Smart. Eat Smart. website! We added a section on physical activity. For good health its important to eat well and move our bodies. Now you can find information about both on our website.

Activity Snacks

Have you ever heard of activity snacks? These are like food snacks, but in physical activity form! Sometimes I dread going to start a workout- whether that be at the gym or at home, I do not want to put in a chunk of time to move. Days can become busy, but I often feel discouraged and defeated when I feel I did not get enough movement in. This is where activity snacks can fit in your everyday.