Baby, It’s Cold Outside! Staying Active During Iowa Winters
I am not the biggest fan of Iowa winters. I grew up on the coast with mild winters. My first experience in Iowa, where the temperatures reached single digits and schools were still open, was an adjustment! One thing that has stuck with me since relocating to a colder state is ‘there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing’. Now that I have two young kids at home, it’s important to keep my family as active as I can during the winter to burn off their energy while increasing mine.
30 Days of Movement with Spend Smart. Eat Smart.
Being physically active is one of the most important things people of all ages can do to improve their health. Being active has many benefits, including:
Strength, Cardio, and Stretching Routine
The past couple of months I’ve shared about new physical activity videos we have on Spend Smart. Eat Smart. I enjoy making these videos to share because I am passionate about helping people find ways to be active that are fun and easy for them. Last time I shared Low Impact Cardio Intervals and Lower Body Stretch. Today I’d like to share our Strength, Cardio, and Stretching Routine. During the 10-minute routine strength exercises alternate with short cardio bursts. The routine ends with stretching. It is important for people of all abilities and skill levels to be physically active. This can be done by modifying movements for various needs. This routine can be done while sitting or standing so it is adjustable to meet your needs. I do the exercises sitting and my friend Katy does them standing. Grab a friend and get moving with us!
Hydrate and Stretch this Summer!
Summer is in full swing and my kids are busy with sports camps and day camps. My son is doing a strength and conditioning camp and the first day after camp his legs were sore! I encouraged him to do some leg stretches to help loosen them up. I got to thinking there are lots of activities we do during the summer that might make our legs a bit sore. Going for hikes, riding bikes, playing sports, walking while sightseeing on vacation and more! A new physical activity video we have on Spend Smart. Eat Smart. that might be helpful when you have sore legs is our Lower Body Stretch. It can be done as a standalone stretch or done when the body is warmed up for a deeper stretch.
$30 serves 8 a Healthy Holiday Dinner
Thanksgiving is just a couple weeks away and for many of us that means lots of great food. But it doesn’t have to mean a lot of calories, extra weight, and an empty wallet. Last weekend we figured out a traditional menu that will serve 8 people a healthy meal for $30.
2010 Healthy Homemade Calendar on sale for just $2
Last week I wrote about making food gifts for the holidays. One of my friends asked me why I didn’t mention that our 2010 Healthy and Homemade Nutrition and Fitness Calendar is on sale for only $2 plus shipping and handling from the ISU Extension online store. Good idea—so here are some details about the calendar.
My Top 10 Reasons to Garden
It’s SPRING. Warm weather makes me start planning for my flower and vegetable garden. Why?
MyPyramid Changes to MyPlate
Last week MyPyramid changed to MyPlate.
A Healthier Me in 2016
It’s that time of year again when we tend to look at how we can live just a little bit healthier in the new year. For me, this means making more time for exercise throughout my day. I do alright with getting my workouts in, but I spend most of my day at a desk and I would like to work in some breaks to get my body moving throughout the day. Our bodies are not meant to be in a sitting position all day, it can damage our posture and even affect breathing. Being active for just ten minutes can help boost mental focus and increase energy.
Be Active Your Way Every Day
You might be wondering why this blog is titled Be Active Your Way Every Day. What does that have to do with eating healthy on a budget? Well, being active might not affect your grocery budget but it is important to your health! Being active helps you sleep better, feel better and have more energy. Who doesn’t want all of those things?
Did you say hop like a frog?
Staying Active when the Temperatures Drop
Taking a long walk and playing in the park on a beautiful day are pretty enjoyable ways to be active. The sad truth is that here in Iowa, we have several months out of each year when the weather outside is less than ideal. Lately, we have had days when the temperature doesn’t even reach zero degrees, brrrr! The frigid weather combined with fewer hours of sunlight can lead to all of us feeling an energy slump.