
Hydrate and Stretch this Summer!

July 18, 2022 | Jody Gatewood

three water bottles

Summer is in full swing and my kids are busy with sports camps and day camps. My son is doing a strength and conditioning camp and the first day after camp his legs were sore! I encouraged him to do some leg stretches to help loosen them up. I got to thinking there are lots of activities we do during the summer that might make our legs a bit sore. Going for hikes, riding bikes, playing sports, walking while sightseeing on vacation and more! A new physical activity video we have on Spend Smart. Eat Smart. that might be helpful when you have sore legs is our Lower Body Stretch. It can be done as a standalone stretch or done when the body is warmed up for a deeper stretch.

Another thing to be mindful of during the summer is staying hydrated. My daughter is doing a day camp for a few weeks this summer and they spend most of the time outside. She takes a water bottle with her to drink throughout the day. In addition to carrying a water bottle, here are a few more tips for staying hydrated:

  1. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. Make it a habit to drink a glass of water when you first wake up in the morning.
  2. Flavor your water. Add some lemon slices to your water or use frozen fruit as ice cubes.
  3. Take water breaks. Set a timer to remind you to take a break and drink water throughout the day. If you get up and move at the same time you will get both a physical activity break and a water break!
  4. Eat your water. In addition to drinking water, eat foods that are high in water including cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, spinach, strawberries, peaches and bell peppers.

I hope you are enjoying your summer!

Jody Gatewood

Jody Gatewood is a Registered Dietitian who enjoys spending time in the kitchen baking and preparing meals for her family. She does lots of meal planning to stay organized and feed her family nutritious meals.

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