It’s SPRING. Warm weather makes me start planning for my flower and vegetable garden. Why?
- Health — Growing your own makes it easier to get the fruits and vegetables needed for good health. Kids involved in growing or preparing fruits and vegetables are more likely to eat them.
- Exercise — Gardening provides both cardio and aerobic exercise. Studies show that an hour of moderate gardening can burn up to 300 calories for women, almost 400 calories for men. Mowing the grass equals a vigorous walk, bending and stretching while planting compares to an exercise class, and hauling plants and soil is like weightlifting.
- Taste – Nothing matches the taste of green beans, tomatoes, basil, zucchini, or peppers picked fresh from the garden.
- Satisfaction — A weed less, mulched garden gives me a sense of accomplishment.
- Learning — The more I learn about plants and gardening, the more I want to know. Problems with insects or spots on leaves make me want to find the cause and learn how to keep plants healthy.
- Family time — Time spent planting, weeding, and harvesting with family is filled with talk and laughter.
- Friendship — Gardening expands your social circle. Whether it’s someone who lives down the street or halfway around the world on the Internet, gardeners love to talk about plants. Surplus tomatoes, a bouquet, or an extra plant are gifts to share with friends and neighbors.
- Creativity — Gardening provides an outlet for the artist in all of us, whether it’s planting a bed of perennials or arranging flowers in a vase.
- Beauty and love of nature — I love the colors, shapes, textures and smells of flowers. Having flowers in my home gives me joy.
- Links to the farm — Gardening takes time, effort and knowledge. After lots of work, plants can be destroyed by hail, disease, or animals. I have a great deal of respect for those who farm for a living.
Notice anything missing in my top ten reasons to garden? Saving money. That’s because gardens don’t always save money. The article, “Can a Vegetable Garden Save You Money”? by Cindy Haynes, Extension Horticulturist, gives tips to help you save money on your garden. It’s from 2009, but the message still applies.
-pointers from Peggy