
kids helping in the kitchen

Making (Messy!) Memories

I have fond memories of cooking and baking with my mom as a child. Some of my favorite kitchen memories include baking muffins and cookies, and making homemade beach plum jelly with fruit we would handpick from the beach. Being one of four kids, spending time with my mom in the kitchen allowed for quality one on one time, and now that I have children of my own, I see just how valuable that time can be.

Oatmeal Cookies with walnuts

Have a Happy National Walnut Day!

Sometimes in the mornings when I drive my children to school the radio announcer will tell us what we can celebrate that day. It may be a well-known holiday or something smaller. For example, today, May 13th, is International Hummus Day, National Crouton Day, and National Fruit Cocktail Day. We call it, ‘the day of the day’ and we get pretty excited about it.


Pizza Made Easy

Whenever I get asked what my favorite foods are, pizza is at the top of my list with tacos being a close second. There are so many options for pizza that I could write it into my meal plan several times in one week and not get tired of eating it. When I have a hankering for a slice (or two!), especially for lunch, Pizza Boats are a quick way for me to satisfy that craving.

slow cooker

Slow Cooker for One or Two

I often hear people share that they do not use a slow cooker because they generally cook for one or two and it just makes too much food. If you have thought this way before, I would like to encourage you to rethink if the slow cooker might actually be a useful tool. Bear with me!


The microwave is singing!

Occasionally I need recipes that require minimal time, effort, and equipment. I love cooking and making big meals for my family. But with both of our kids in activities during the week, sometimes a meal or a snack that can be made in the microwave is the way to go. My kids enjoy that our microwave is low enough in our pantry for them to help. My preschooler can practice her numbers by helping me use it for cooking, and when the timer ends it sings a little jingle which my toddler loves to dance to. Using the microwave throughout the day is a win for everyone at my house!

chopping food on a cutting board

No Heat Required!

Last week Justine shared a number of recipes that don’t require any chopping. This week I’d like to share some recipes that don’t require any cooking. Sometimes it’s nice to have a recipe that uses minimal equipment and no heat required!