

| Christine Hradek

我确信食物浪费的原因之一是拥挤、杂乱无章的冰箱。 刚购买的食物以及剩菜剩饭会丢失在其他物品后面和下面,并在使用之前变质。 拥挤、凌乱的冰箱可能会令人沮丧,让我们想扔掉洗碗巾,前往我们能找到的第一个得来速。

我们才刚刚开始进入假期,您可能需要在冰箱中留出额外的空间来解冻火鸡、为聚餐制作沙拉、冷饮等。我保证您花 1-2 小时清洁冰箱可以省钱。

观看这个 3 分钟的视频 如何整理冰箱 视频或获取讲义 如何整理您的Refrigerator.pdf . 两者都提供了简单、直接的步骤,使工作快速轻松地进行。


Christine Hradek

Christine Hradek is a State Nutrition Specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. She coordinates ISU’s programs which help families with low income make healthy choices with limited food budgets. Christine loves helping families learn to prepare healthy foods, have fun in the kitchen and save money. In her spare time, Christine enjoys cooking, entertaining and cheering on her favorite college football teams with her family and friends.

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