
Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Luscious, Juicy, Sweet Strawberries!

Strawberries are a great buy right now in grocery stores. The best prices I have seen are $1/pound, but most places are under $1.50/pound. According to the news, this is because Florida and California strawberries are hitting the stores at the same time this year. In a few weeks the local berries will be in season also. Get ready for some good eating!

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Kids a Cookin’ – Where kids come first and cooking is fun

Kansas State Extension has a great website for school-age “chefs-in-making” called Kids a Cookin’. The website includes videos of pint-sized chefs who work with Host Karen to prepare recipes that kids can easily make at home. The recipes are not only simple to prepare and affordable, but are an excellent way to share the joys of cooking with your kids.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Featured Recipe: Jicama and Black Bean Dip

If you are looking for a great tasting, very healthy dip that can also be served as a salad, check out our Jicama and Black Bean Dip. This recipe is very easy to transport and keeps for several days in the refrigerator. Baked tortilla chips taste great with it.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Waldorf Summer Salad

WOW, what an easy salad and one that kids love (it’s the marshmallows).

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Fresh apples…

I love them. Crisp. Crunchy. Juicy. And full of flavor.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

It’s fall and soup’s on

This month’s featured recipe, 3-Can Chili,  is one of my “Go-To” recipes. You know what I mean—the ones that you know by heart, make often, and everyone likes. Plus, you can have this one on the table in about 20 minutes. To lower the cost, I buy canned tomatoes, canned beans, and frozen corn when they are on sale. I use my price book so I know a good price and try never to buy full price.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Guiltless Pie? Count the Ways

Looking for a super easy, delicious, light, inexpensive dessert?  Just in time for Thanksgiving (and really a dessert you could eat all year long), try our Guiltless Pumpkin Pie.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Healthy Homemade Gift

Are you searching for a healthy gift for a senior, camper, traveler, college student? Consider Crispy Granola, our featured recipe this month. It’s a good snack or breakfast cereal, and makes a great topping for fruit, yogurt, or  ice cream.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Kale, the Healthiest Vegetable

My daughter and her husband decided they are going to eat healthier and exercise more.  As part of the plan, she is trying to prepare more of the “30 Top Foods” she found in a magazine article.  One of the foods she wanted to try from the list was kale.  Kale really is a superstar vegetable.  Like other leafy greens (collards and spinach) it is rich in lutein, beta-carotine, Vitamin K and offers just about everything else too (calcium, fiber, folate, iron and Vitamin C).

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Fish Tacos – Why Should You Give Them a Try?

It’s Lent and grocery stores are featuring fish. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines suggest that we eat more seafood. Many restaurants feature great tasting fish tacos, so they make a great way to introduce your family to fish. Our Fish Tacos recipe is quick and easy. The sauce base is ranch dressing, which you may have on hand. The greens are chopped cabbage, which provides more nutrients than lettuce.  Also, you can use various types of fish.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Feed 50 People for $50!

Need recipes that will feed a crowd (e.g. a club, relatives, or a post-event gathering) for $50 or under?

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Anyday Picnic Salad

April’s featured recipe is one of my favorites.  It’s easy, versatile, and very tasty.  I serve Anyday Picnic Salad on top of romaine as a salad, or on whole wheat bread as a sandwich. You can use apples and grapes as the fruit, or try strawberries, melon or pineapple.  Once when I was out of celery, I used radishes to give it a little crunch.