
Need recipes that will feed a crowd (e.g. a club, relatives, or a post-event gathering) for $50 or under?
Stacia Sanny and our nutrition staff in Polk County used the menu below to serve 50 people at a get acquainted activity. We wanted to recruit families and show volunteers at the First Assembly of God Church in Des Moines about EFNEP (Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program).
The recipes are on the SpendSmart EatSmart recipe page except for the Garden Salad. You could substitute carrot/celery sticks for that. The recipes are easy to multiply to match your group size.
- 3 Can Chili. Cans of beans, corn and tomatoes with chili powder. Reduce the sodium by using frozen corn if you like. To go really inexpensive, cook dry beans instead of using canned.
- Splendid Fruit Salad. For 50 people you would probably use 25-30 fruits.
- Garden Salad (lettuce mix out of a bag, chopped tomatoes and carrots, dressing)
- Pumpkin Apple Cake. Two cakes will do it. Sprinkle with powdered sugar if you want.
Here’s what Stacia reported after the event.
We received wonderful comments. They loved the cake . . . and couldn’t believe that it was considered a healthy snack. We multiplied the recipes about 13 times (chili and fruit salad). We actually had leftovers. The chili was so easy — and the fact that you could see vegetables in it already made it different than normal chili. The recipe uses corn besides the usual tomatoes and meat.
We had a number of people ask for the recipes so they could make them at home!
– pointers from Peggy