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Kale, the Healthiest Vegetable

January 31, 2011 | Peggy Martin

Kale, the Healthiest Vegetable

My daughter and her husband decided they are going to eat healthier and exercise more.  As part of the plan, she is trying to prepare more of the “30 Top Foods” she found in a magazine article.  One of the foods she wanted to try from the list was kale.  Kale really is a superstar vegetable.  Like other leafy greens (collards and spinach) it is rich in lutein, beta-carotine, Vitamin K and offers just about everything else too (calcium, fiber, folate, iron and Vitamin C).

I had to admit, I had never fixed kale so we bought a bunch at $1.49 to try.  She found a recipe on the internet which we revised a bit.  It was really easy to do and we agreed it was quite tasty.

Ingredients for Sautéed Greens

  • 1 1/2 pounds kale or collard greens
  • 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 cup water or chicken broth
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 Tablespoons cider vinegar (optional)
Here is the bunch of kale as it looks in the store.  Very deep green with stems.  It is usually found with the lettuce.    Here is the bunch of kale as it looks in the store.  Very deep green with stems.  It is usually found with the lettuce.
Wash the kale under running water and break off the stems.    Wash the kale under running water and break off the stems.
In a large skillet with a cover, sauté the onions and garlic in the oil.    In a large skillet with a cover, sauté the onions and garlic in the oil.
Dry the Kale and chop or tear into 1/2 inch pieces.  It makes a pretty good pile.    Dry the Kale and chop or tear into 1/2 inch pieces.  It makes a pretty good pile.
Add greens to water or broth.  Cover and simmer for 4 minutes.  Remove cover, continue cooking, stirring constantly until greens have wilted.  Add salt and pepper to taste.    Add greens to water or broth.  Cover and simmer for 4 minutes.  Remove cover, continue cooking, stirring constantly until greens have wilted.  Add salt and pepper to taste.
Sprinkle cider vinegar on mixture.  (We didn’t have any and it was fine).  The bowl shown is a cereal bowl.  The greens really shrink down.   Sprinkle cider vinegar on mixture.  (We didn’t have any and it was fine).  The bowl shown is a cereal bowl.  The greens really shrink down.

We served it with hamburgers and brown rice.  Chocolate for dessert. Isn’t that one of the top 30 healthiest foods too? 

-pointers from Peggy

Peggy Martin

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