
Substitute Cream Cheese for Goat Cheese?
I saw a recipe recently that called for goat cheese. WOW! I know cheese can be expensive, but I thought this was really high. A 4-ounce portion cost almost $5.00! I went ahead and bought it, tried the recipe and found it to be quite tasty. As I was straightening the kitchen, I read the Nutrition Facts label and realized there really wasn’t much “IN” the goat cheese. So I pulled a package of reduced fat cream cheese out of the fridge to compare labels. Know what? NO real difference! And the cream cheese was only $.99 for 8 ounces. I made the recipe again substituting cream cheese for goat cheese. Was there a significant flavor change? Apparently not. I had 30 child care providers sample both products and they really preferred the cream cheese!

Top 4 Tips for Controlling the Cost of Fresh Fruit
Is fresh fruit expensive? Many people think so. Recently I was really hungry for fresh peaches. The store I was at had only 1 variety. They were $1.48 per pound and the peaches were very large. I bought 4 of them. When they rang up, they totaled $2.92…more than I thought they would be and more then I would normally pay for 4 pieces of fruit—$.73 a piece.

What is the better buy when purchasing melons?
Small seedless?…Larger with seeds?…Cantaloupe?

Cabbage – what’s cheaper?
What is cheaper? The slaw mix or the entire head of cabbage and shredding it yourself?

100-Calorie Snacks…Convenience vs. Cost
100-calorie snack packs are a temptation when I am trying to keep my calories under control…I’m tempted because they are convenient, but I always balk at the price. Plus, most of them are higher in sugar and fat than I usually eat. Try these delicious 100-calorie options instead!

$30 serves 8 a Healthy Holiday Dinner
Thanksgiving is just a couple weeks away and for many of us that means lots of great food. But it doesn’t have to mean a lot of calories, extra weight, and an empty wallet. Last weekend we figured out a traditional menu that will serve 8 people a healthy meal for $30.

Trim Your Waistline and Your Budget – Three Simple Steps!
With the holidays behind us its time to find ways to trim some of those extra pounds and pay off some bills. It’s possible to eat healthier and stick to a budget. Here are three ways to trim your food spending without sacrificing good nutrition.

Feed 50 People for $50!
Need recipes that will feed a crowd (e.g. a club, relatives, or a post-event gathering) for $50 or under?

Drink Water – It’s Free and It Doesn’t Make You Fat
During the summer many of us grab drinks to take on walks, hikes, bike rides, picnics, cookouts, etc. Many times those drinks are loaded with sugar and calories. In fact, the new 2010 Dietary Guidelines indicate that added sugars contribute an average of 16% of the total calories in American diets. And 36% of those calories come from soda, energy drinks and sports drinks (see the chart below). That’s more than candy, ice cream, cakes, and cookies combined.

How much do YOU spend on food a week?
Last week I showed a group of nutrition professionals features of the SpendSmart.EatSmart web page including the Cost of Food at Home calculator. You put in the number, age, and gender of your family members and the number of meals eaten away from home. The calculator then tells you how much your family would spend at the grocery store according to the low-cost food plan.

Can I Go Too?
As I was reading the blog Peggy wrote about tracking expenses last week, one line stood out to me more than any other, “I really need to follow my own advice.” After my most recent trip to the grocery store, I was thinking the same thing.

Why pay for something that is free?
Everyone knows staying hydrated is important, especially during periods of physical activity and in warmer weather. Most people agree that drinking water is better than buying soft drinks.