
Vegetarian Chili

MyPlate Series – Jody

The past two weeks Christine and Katy have shared how they use MyPlate at home when thinking about meals and snacks. Today it’s my turn!

colorful plate

The ‘Colorful’ Plate

Before my daughters were born, I pictured myself making elaborate homemade meals to fill their plates with a variety of foods. I’m 6 years into being a mom and to be honest, feeding my two kids can be tough, especially when they are often choosy eaters! My own expectations of feeding my kids have changed as time has gone on. The older my girls get the harder it is to get them to eat a variety of foods. We often go through phases where they love a specific food one week and then turn up their nose to it the next.

doodles of various fruits and vegetables

Food Group Frenzy

Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Do eggs belong in the dairy or protein food group? Food Group Frenzy is a fun new game on the Spend Smart. Eat Smart. website that tests your knowledge of the food groups. The goal of the game is to place different food items in the correct section of MyPlate as quickly as possible. Using the game along with the MyPlate educational content under the Kids tab is a great way for kids to learn about the different food groups and why each of them is important for a healthy body.

Children helping make food in the Kitchen

We All Love Food

A few weeks ago, my 9-year-old daughter came home from school excited to show me a paper that she had been working on. It was titled “Food” and the first sentence was “We all love food.” Isn’t that the truth! She goes on to say that half your plate should be fruits and vegetables, and that you can have sugar once in a while. She talks about MyPlate and tells a little bit about each food group. On the back she made a list of foods for each of the food groups. As a mom and dietitian, her paper made me smile.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

MyPyramid Changes to MyPlate

Last week MyPyramid changed to MyPlate.


Whose Plate? MyPlate!

With a New Year just under way, many people are focused on losing weight. Unfortunately, some of the diets people follow to lose weight are not healthy. People tend to cut out foods or food groups, go on restrictive diets or spend money on unnecessary supplements and drinks. At a recent health and wellness fair I spoke at, one participant mentioned to me that she “just wanted someone to tell her what to eat”. I can totally understand where she was coming from! It seems like every day we hear about a new fad diet or food that we thought was healthy that someone says is not. It can get very confusing.


Half My Plate, Really?

It’s no surprise that healthy eating includes fruits and vegetables. In fact, MyPlate recommendations say we should make half of our plate fruits and veggies at each meal. For adults, that is about 2 ½ cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit per day. For children, 1 ½ cup of fruit and 1 ½ cup of veggies will meet their daily needs.

A Happy, Healthy Heart

February is American Heart month. It’s a time to focus on habits that can help us live heart healthy lives. This is important because heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the US.