
fresh canned vegetables

Start Simple with Food Preservation

This time of year is one of our favorites.  The work of planning and planting a garden is behind us and now it is time to think about how to preserve our summer bounty.  Whether you are freezing, canning or dehydrating there are necessary steps to take to ensure both quality and safety.

leftovers in containers stacked on the counter

Spend Smart. Eat Smart. – With Friends!

Over the past few months we’ve heard from Christine’s mom, Katy’s friend, and Justine’s children. For the final blog in our interview series I talked with my friend and colleague, Kristin Taylor.

herbs growing in a planter box

Patio Herbs

I live in a small house with just a little bit of outdoor space. In the summer, I try to maximize that space by filling it with pots of flowers, vegetables and herbs. Fresh herbs are something I do not buy at the grocery store very often because they are expensive and often spoil before I can get the package used. So, I see fresh herbs as a seasonal treat I can enjoy from late spring through early fall when I’m growing them. I use dried herbs the rest of the year. Today I would like to share how I use the herbs I grow. Most years I grow basil, parsley, thyme and rosemary. I also grow cherry tomatoes in a big flower pot.

banana oatmeal bread

Banana Oatmeal Bread

Our September recipe of the month is a Spend Smart. Eat Smart. favorite – Banana Oatmeal Bread. We have had this recipe on the website for many years, but it needed an update. Below are some highlights from the updated recipe. I hope you find some time to make it yourself because it really is a great recipe for any meal or snack.

washing spinach at the sink

Get Help Buying Healthy Foods

For many of us, money is tight right now. The cost of groceries and gas are extremely high and additional SNAP benefits provided during the pandemic have ended in many states.

kids outside

Spend Smart. Eat Smart. – With Friends

This month is our third blog in our interview series. I enjoyed hearing from Christine’s mom and Katy’s friend. This month we are going to take a different view of our interview questions. This blog is all from a child’s perspective. I interviewed my three children, Kenny (age 12), Eliza (age 10), and Miles (age 6). Before I asked them the questions, I asked one of the questions to myself – what is our go to meal that is easy and healthy? The answer was breakfast food and I was surprised to see that answer reflected in some of their responses below. I hope you enjoy reading my children’s perspective on eating healthy on a budget as much as I enjoyed interviewing them.