
Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Luscious, Juicy, Sweet Strawberries!

Strawberries are a great buy right now in grocery stores. The best prices I have seen are $1/pound, but most places are under $1.50/pound. According to the news, this is because Florida and California strawberries are hitting the stores at the same time this year. In a few weeks the local berries will be in season also. Get ready for some good eating!

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Fruit Pizza

You have to try this Fruit Pizza!  It really is one of the biggest recipe hits we have created for our Healthy and Homemade Calendar.  It is quick, easy, and uses common ingredients including whole grains (oatmeal).  Plus it tastes and looks fabulous.

Berry Banana Popsicles

Cool Treat for Summer’s Heat

During the summer, I can often find my kids looking through our freezer to see what kind of frozen treat they can find. Usually they can find some sort of popsicles and, once in a while, some ice cream. They also like making their own popsicles. One of Paige’s favorite kind of popsicles to make are the Berry Banana Popsicles from Spend Smart. Eat Smart.