
Totally Tomatoes

July 24, 2023 | Jody Gatewood

Broiled Tomatoes on a plate

What ripens to red, orange, purple, or yellow, has seeds, and is bursting with the fresh flavor of summer? Tomatoes come in a rainbow of colors; the most common is red, of course.  Tomatoes add color, nutrients, and interest to our meals.  Not only can we chop, slice, and eat them fresh, but they serve as the base for recipes and sauces in many cultures. If you want to find new recipes from cultures around the world there are some ideas below, or you can check out Oldways.

  • Italian- Pasta Fagioli Soup, pasta and pizza sauce
  • Mexican- Salsa Fresca
  • African- Stews and egg dishes
  • German- Tomato and Vegetable salads such as Summer Bounty Salad
  • Caribbean- Fish dishes with tomato sauce
  • Native American-Fried green tomatoes
  • East Indian- Tomato curries, chutney, and tomato rice
  • Asian- Soups, salads, noodle dishes

A new favorite of mine is Broiled Tomatoes. My husband is a fan of bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches. Fresh tomatoes can be substituted for canned tomatoes in most recipes; a recipe is a guide and not a rule when it comes to soups and mixed dishes. Be creative and try fresh tomatoes this summer in some new and different ways.


Written by Judy Dittmar, Healthy Food Access Specialist

Judy Dittmar is a Registered Dietitian who grows seasonal produce for home culinary adventures and for sharing with friends, family, and donation sites.  She also dabbles in growing hydroponic vegetables to provide year-round access to fresh, vibrant produce.

Jody Gatewood

Jody Gatewood is a Registered Dietitian who enjoys spending time in the kitchen baking and preparing meals for her family. She does lots of meal planning to stay organized and feed her family nutritious meals.

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