
Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Watermelon: How to Pick a Good One

I love watermelon. I remember my grandfather cutting giant melons on his front porch and giving all the grandkids a slice. Back then all the watermelons had seeds that we spit out on the grass. Melons were also a lot bigger. They often weighed over 20 pounds and sold for around $.06 a pound!

Produce Basics - Sweet Potato

Sweet Talk

Pardon the goofy title, but this week we’re talking sweet…potatoes that is! Have you given sweet potatoes a try? If you are unsure about them,it might help to think beyond the casserole with marshmallows on the top. They can be used in many of the same ways as white potatoes. They are delicious roasted, mashed, baked or even as French fries.