Peach Cobbler
Welcome to June! Summer is here and all of us at Spend Smart. Eat Smart. are looking forward to summer foods. This month we are going to focus on some tasty summer desserts. First up today is Peach Cobbler.
What Fruits and Veggies do You Like?
This past year, we have been asking people about their favorite seasonal produce. We are going to continue sharing this month, starting with my family. I decided to ask my three children what fruits and veggies they like to eat in the summertime. We are very lucky to have a small garden at our home and access to larger gardens at grandpa’s and grandma’s homes, which you will see reflected in their answers below.
Waldorf Summer Salad
WOW, what an easy salad and one that kids love (it’s the marshmallows).
Time for a Picnic, Try Pita Pockets
This month’s featured recipe is Peanut Butter Pita Pockets.
Grilled Peaches…Yum Yum
Our SpendSmart.EatSmart poll the past month asked how many of you have cooked fruits or vegetables on the grill? 73% of you said you have grilled fruits and vegetables which is great! Grilling brings out great flavors without a lot of added fat or sugar. You do have to be careful that your food does not char on the outside before it heats all the way through.