
Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Memorial Day is almost here…

Memorial Day makes me think of backyard barbeques, picnics, and having friends over. When I have guests, I don’t want to spend the whole day cooking and I don’t want to overshoot my food budget. Amanda, our dietetics student, and I figure we can to do the meal below for about $2 per person, or $16 for a group of 8. We figure it will take about an hour and a half of advance prep, not counting making the burgers since that will be part of the party. If I can limit myself to one deviled egg and one cookie or brownie, my diet should be in good shape, too!

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Tips for meal planning

Planning meals is important if you want to save money at the grocery store, but most people admit they don’t do it.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

$30 serves 8 a Healthy Holiday Dinner

Thanksgiving is just a couple weeks away and for many of us that means lots of great food. But it doesn’t have to mean a lot of calories, extra weight, and an empty wallet. Last weekend we figured out a traditional menu that will serve 8 people a healthy meal for $30.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Slow-Cooker Meal for a Crowd

Last night I had my siblings, their spouses, and my parents for supper (11 in all). It was one of those times that I invited everyone and then started thinking about what I could make. The menu was a little trickier since my oven stopped working last week and I don’t have a replacement. I didn’t want to spend all day preparing the meal or spend lots of money—plus I wasn’t sure what time we would actually sit down to eat.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Trim Your Waistline and Your Budget – Three Simple Steps!

With the holidays behind us its time to find ways to trim some of those extra pounds and pay off some bills.  It’s possible to eat healthier and stick to a budget.  Here are three ways to trim your food spending without sacrificing good nutrition.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Feed 50 People for $50!

Need recipes that will feed a crowd (e.g. a club, relatives, or a post-event gathering) for $50 or under?

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Meat and Veggie Mac – SUPER QUICK AND EASY

Everybody is extra busy during May.  It’s the beginning of outdoor sports such as soccer, softball, and baseball.  Spring celebrations abound such as graduations and Mother’s Day, plus it’s time to get the vegetable and flower gardens going.  Whatever the reason, it seems no one wants to be in the kitchen.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Spending Less and Eating Healthier: Part 1 of 3

Meal Planning

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Try Mint to Track your Grocery Spending

The SpendSmart.EatSmart web page and Facebook have been running a poll asking What do you think saves you the most money on your grocery bill? Here is the breakdown from the 315 people who responded:

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

How much money do you spend on food each day?

This is a question I have been asking myself since I saw this blog, $4 A Day Challenge.  Stephanie Moore, a channel 13 (WHOTV, Des Moines, IA) reporter decided to take on the challenge of eating for $4 each day for a week.  Why $4?  That is the average amount a person receives for Food Assistance.


Labor Day Meal Plan

Labor Day Meal, serves 4 for less than $3.50 a person!

Menu Planning: Less Stress, More Money

My son’s famous first words these days when we get home after work and school are “Mom, I’m hungry. Can I have a snack?” Since it is usually close to supper, I encourage him to go play and let him know that supper will be ready shortly. And since I plan my evening meals a week at a time, I can get supper on the table in a short amount of time. I know what we are having and have the ingredients on hand. Menu planning is a win-win for us. I’m not stressed out thinking about what we are going to have and my son doesn’t have to wait long to eat when he is hungry.