
Which Recipes are Diabetes-Friendly?
Our Spend Smart. Eat Smart. team often gets the request to mark which of our recipes are ‘diabetes-friendly’. We want to share why this is not something we do.

Facts about Fat
As with most nutrition topics, there is a lot of information shared about fat. Sometimes people say fat is bad for you while other people say it’s good for you. This can be confusing. Here are a few things to keep in mind about fat.

Where’s the Sugar?
As a dietitian, some people think I don’t eat candy or sweets, but I do! And on Valentine’s Day next week, I’ll enjoy the box of chocolates my husband and kids get me (and I’ll share some too!). Food and eating should be pleasurable so it’s okay to enjoy sugary foods and drinks once in a while. It’s just important to not eat or drink so many sugary foods and drinks that they take the place of healthier ones like fruits, vegetables, and water.