
Taking Over the Kitchen
Last week Katy shared about how she includes her young children in the kitchen. My children are a little bit older and it has been fun to watch their skills and interest improve in the kitchen. Here are some of the things all three of my children help with in the kitchen:

Making (Messy!) Memories
I have fond memories of cooking and baking with my mom as a child. Some of my favorite kitchen memories include baking muffins and cookies, and making homemade beach plum jelly with fruit we would handpick from the beach. Being one of four kids, spending time with my mom in the kitchen allowed for quality one on one time, and now that I have children of my own, I see just how valuable that time can be.

Tasty Taco Rice Salad
Tasty Taco Rice Salad is one of those “go to” recipes. You know — the ones that you turn to when you are you are in a hurry and you don’t have time to search for recipes. It’s easy, versatile and almost everyone likes it. PLUS it’s packed with nutrition—whole grains, vitamins, minerals, and protein.