Spend Smart. Eat Smart.


Sweet Potato Burritos

October 04, 2021 | Justine Hoover

Our October recipe of the month is here with special thanks to Jody’s family. Usually my family has to put up with eating the same thing over and over as I test a recipe. But for Sweet Potato Burritos, Jody and her family tried them out first and then passed the recipe on to me. The first time I tried these burritos, I knew we had a winner. Sweet Potato Burritos include two of my favorite ingredients to cook with – sweet potatoes and black beans.

Here are some reasons I include sweet potatoes on my grocery list:

  • They are available year-round. Sweet potatoes are in season now, but they store easily in a cool, dry place, so you can find them any time of year.
  • They fit in with any meal. Sweet potatoes make a great tasting side dish, whether baked, roasted, or mashed.
  • They are nutritious. Sweet potatoes are high in vitamins A and C and fiber.

If you open my pantry, you will almost always find a can of black beans. I keep canned black beans on hand because:

  • They are easy to prepare. Pop off the lid, drain, and rinse and canned black beans are ready to add to any meal.
  • They are inexpensive. Where I shop, I can usually get a can of black beans for $1 or less.
  • They can replace meat. When meat prices get high, black beans can replace meat in soups, casseroles, salads, and other mixed dishes.

Try out two of my favorite ingredients in Sweet Potato Burritos: https://spendsmart.extension.iastate.edu/recipe/sweet-potato-burritos/


Justine Hoover

Justine Hoover is a Registered Dietitian and mom who loves to cook for her family.

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