Spend Smart. Eat Smart.


seed oils

The Truth About Seed Oils: Friend or Foe?

Seed oils have become a hot topic in the world of nutrition, with opinions ranging from them being a dietary villain to a misunderstood hero. Let’s dive into what seed oils are, their health effects, and how to make informed choices about consuming them.

reducing sodium

Be Sodium Aware During American Heart Month

Last week, Christine shared about American Heart Month, a time for us to focus on our heart health. One way to do that is to be more aware of the sodium we eat. Eating too much sodium can contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease. But our bodies need sodium to function normally. Below are some ideas for finding a balance with the sodium we eat.

February is Heart Month

Show Your Heart Some Love

Each year we celebrate Heart Month during February. It is an opportunity to raise awareness of heart disease and the steps we can each take to try to decrease our risk. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States and most of us know someone who has struggled with heart disease before. The good news is we can choose healthy behaviors that make it less likely we will develop heart disease. Here are a few recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Sodium and Children

Concerns about sodium and its link to high blood pressure and heart disease are most commonly found among people who are middle age and older. However, according to the CDC, about 90% of US children ages 6-18 eat too much sodium daily and 1 in 6 children has high blood pressure (source).