
Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Am I spending too much at the grocery store?

Last fall my sister asked me how much I thought she should be spending on groceries (it turns out her husband thought she was spending too much).

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Online calculator estimates food cost for your family

Every January I spend some time reviewing my finances and getting things organized. I figure my net worth and see how much I have spent for food, clothes, recreation, etc. and develop a budget. One of the items I watch is how much I am spending on food both at home and eating out.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

How much do YOU spend on food a week?

Last week I showed a group of nutrition professionals features of the SpendSmart.EatSmart web page including the Cost of Food at Home calculator. You put in the number, age, and gender of your family members and the number of meals eaten away from home.  The calculator then tells you how much your family would spend at the grocery store according to the low-cost food plan.


Manage Food Spending with Online Calculator

Yes, grocery prices have gone up.  Do you wonder if you could eat nutritiously and spend less on food for your family?

cellphone in palm of hand

Do you have an app for that?

Yes, we do! Spend Smart. Eat Smart. is now available as an app. The brand new, free mobile app puts healthy eating and cost saving tools in the palm of your hand at the grocery store. These new tools on the app make it easier to eat healthy and stick to your budget.