
red and brown potatoes

Cut your Fresh Produce Bill in Half

Raise your hand if you enjoy spending more money on food than you need to. Anyone? If I could see through your screen, my guess is your hand would be down. Most people like the idea of eating well while also keeping an eye on their grocery budget. With increasing food prices, that feels more difficult to do and can feel out of our control. However, there are steps you can take to put you on the path toward saving money on food.

kitchen knife on cutting board

Knife Safety in the Kitchen

Over the next couple of months as we head into the holiday season, many people will be spending extra time in the kitchen preparing food to enjoy with family and friends. You may have some fun with helpers in the kitchen who do not cook often. This is a great time to think about some basic kitchen safety to avoid injuries and trips to the doctor mid-holiday.

Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti Squash

I always look forward to this time of year. As the summer break from school winds down, I like to take some time off work and simply enjoy the end of summer with my children. Sometimes we go on adventures, but a lot of the time we just relax around home. And, to be honest, I do not cook much. This means I am probably not going to make our August recipe of the month – Spaghetti Squash – until this fall.

sheet pan dinner with meat and vegetables

Katy’s Go-To Summer Meal

My family’s schedule is picking up now that summer is in full swing. Even though my kids are little (4.5 years & 10 months), I find that we are constantly on the go. Whether we are at the pool, a playground, or simply playing outside after naps, having quick dinners that don’t take a lot of time to prep and clean-up is a must!

overnight oats

What’s for Breakfast at Anna’s?

Breakfast at my apartment is my favorite meal of the day. I have always been a big fan of all things breakfast food, so planning what I am going to eat to start my day is important to me. As a senior year dietetics student, breakfast most days needs to be quick and portable as I am off to work or class. I also need something filling to sustain me through my morning classes until I have time for lunch.

Home Questions? – Call AnswerLine

When I was a student at Iowa State University, I worked in a job where I shared an office with an amazing resource. That resource was AnswerLine – a hotline that answers your questions about home, food, and family. As a young adult starting a home of her own, the AnswerLine folks gave me tips on food safety, food preservation, and cleaning. A few years later, I found myself working at Iowa State University again. Throughout my career, AnswerLine has been there to help me when I have tough questions about food and nutrition. As a mom, I rely on AnswerLine for tips on getting stains out of laundry. If you cannot tell already, I love AnswerLine and I want to share this resource with you today!