Valentine’s Day “From Scratch” Brownies
February is known for two holidays, Ground Hog Day and Valentine’s Day, but only one of these tempts our sweet tooth (and our pocketbooks). Valentine’s Day is known for its expensive indulgences: eating out, flowers, alcohol, and chocolate. For this Valentine’s Day, try some low-cost and healthier ways to celebrate like opting for a romantic homemade dinner rather than eating out or baking low-fat chocolate treats instead of buying expensive chocolate candy.
Whose Plate? MyPlate!
With a New Year just under way, many people are focused on losing weight. Unfortunately, some of the diets people follow to lose weight are not healthy. People tend to cut out foods or food groups, go on restrictive diets or spend money on unnecessary supplements and drinks. At a recent health and wellness fair I spoke at, one participant mentioned to me that she “just wanted someone to tell her what to eat”. I can totally understand where she was coming from! It seems like every day we hear about a new fad diet or food that we thought was healthy that someone says is not. It can get very confusing.