Spend Smart. Eat Smart.



What Are ‘Ancient Grains’?

/>There is no official definition of ‘ancient grains’. However, the Whole Grains Council defines ancient grains loosely as grains that are largely unchanged over the last several hundred years. Therefore, modern wheat, which has been bred and changed over time, is not an ancient grain. Grains like quinoa, amaranth, Kamut®, spelt, farro, millet, and teff would be considered ancient grains.

2016 Healthy and Homemade calendar

Healthy and Homemade Meals Calendar – Final Quantity Available Now

src=”http://spendsmart.extension.iastate.edu/foodsavings/files/2015/10/2016-Chalkboard-Cover-e1446065801770.jpg” alt=”2016 Chalkboard Cover” width=”300″ height=”217″ />How would you like to start each month of 2016 with a tasty new recipe to try?

fall place setting

Keep your Thanksgiving Dinner out of the Garbage

src=”http://spendsmart.extension.iastate.edu/foodsavings/files/2015/11/ThinkstockPhotos-99120786-200×133.jpg” alt=”ThinkstockPhotos-99120786″ width=”300″ height=”200″ />Thanksgiving will soon be upon us! This holiday causes me to reflect and be thankful for what I have. It also gets me thinking about what I take for granted on a daily basis that others would be grateful to have. One example of this is food. I have enough food, and sometimes too much, which can cause me to waste it at times.


Gifts for the Cook

Last week I wrote about food gifts I’m planning to give to family and friends. This got me to thinking about what gift ideas for me I could share with my family. As someone who enjoys spending time in the kitchen cooking, I looked around my kitchen to see what I needed. Here are a few ideas I came up with:

lamb chops

Cooking with Venison

It is hunting season, so venison is a source of protein that is both inexpensive and easy to find.  Unfortunately, many people do not know how to cook with venison, so it goes to waste.   Venison is similar in structure and taste to beef and pork, so it can be substituted for beef or pork in most recipes.  If you have it, try one of our Spend Smart.Eat Smart. recipes (Skillet Lasagna or Meatloaf) with ground venison instead of ground beef.

Meal Planning Calendar

Meal Planning: Less Stress, More Money

Last year I wrote a blog on menu planning and mentioned that my son’s famous first words after we got home at night were, “I’m hungry.” Now that my daughter is two, I have two kiddos telling me this! Therefore, I find meal planning even more important so I can get a healthy meal on the table fast.  Since I find it so helpful, I’d like to share tips for successful meal planning again.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

The Salty Six

We have blogged on the Salty Six before, but since so many of our readers are interested in reducing their blood pressure, we decided it was worth another post!

Pan Fried Tilapia with Orange Sauce

One Fish Two Fish

Fish is a nutrient-rich, high-quality protein that provides many health benefits. Most fish can be classified into two major categories, oily or “fatty” fish and non-fatty fish. In this case, “fatty” should not worry you. Fatty fish are very healthy to eat.

pea pods

What on Earth is a Legume?

The new Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourage us to eat a variety of protein foods including seafood, meat, eggs, nuts, seeds and legumes. You might wonder, ‘where in the grocery store would I find the legumes?’

Produce Basics - Peppers

Produce Basics

Have you ever wondered how to peel a kiwi or how to prepare a fresh beet? Are you not sure how to store or prepare fresh produce from the farmers market or grocery store? We’re with you! It can be tricky to manage fresh fruits and vegetables that you’re not used to eating at home.

Confetti Rice and Bean Salad

Confetti Rice and Bean Salad

Happy Labor Day from the Spend Smart. Eat Smart. team!  Our September recipe of the month is perfect for a Labor Day picnic – Confetti Rice and Bean Salad.

Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Simple Apple Dessert

“What’s for dessert?”  That is a question I hear a lot at my home.  Thankfully, my children are usually satisfied with a dish of fruit for their dessert. But, sometimes they want something special – something a little sweeter to top off their meal.  Our October recipe of the month, Simple Apple Dessert, makes that fruit special.