

| Christine Hradek

Roasted Vegetables and Kielbasa

我希望你们都度过了一个美好的感恩节!如果你和我一样,你的冰箱里可能有点乱,里面有节日聚会和饭菜剩下的这样那样的碎片。本月的食谱是使用蔬菜抽屉中剩余的食物制作美味佳肴的完美方式。 烤蔬菜和 Kielbasa 是一种简单的平底锅餐,可以根据您的所拥有的内容灵活调整。只需将蔬菜切碎(5 杯),将 kielbasa 切片,调味并烘烤即可!西兰花、花椰菜、胡萝卜、洋葱、青豆、辣椒、土豆和南瓜在这个食谱中都很好用。我最喜欢的组合是黄土豆、西兰花和红洋葱。我经常在调味料中加入辣椒粉,以增强大多数 kielbasa 中已经存在的味道。如果你有土豆或红薯,它们在这个食谱中效果很好。如果您没有任何淀粉类蔬菜,您可以将烤蔬菜和 Kielbasa 放在米饭上,以添加一些谷物并拉伸菜肴。我希望您能在这个假期的某个时候享受这个食谱!

Christine Hradek
Christine Hradek

Christine Hradek is a State Nutrition Specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. She coordinates ISU’s programs which help families with low income make healthy choices with limited food budgets. Christine loves helping families learn to prepare healthy foods, have fun in the kitchen and save money. In her spare time, Christine enjoys cooking, entertaining and cheering on her favorite college football teams with her family and friends.

Christine Hradek

Christine Hradek is a State Nutrition Specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. She coordinates ISU’s programs which help families with low income make healthy choices with limited food budgets. Christine loves helping families learn to prepare healthy foods, have fun in the kitchen and save money. In her spare time, Christine enjoys cooking, entertaining and cheering on her favorite college football teams with her family and friends.
