

| Christine Hradek

Club Salad

我喜欢做饭,大部分时间我更喜欢吃自制的食物,但我不想每天都做饭。 对我来说,这意味着当我做饭时,它必须导致多餐。 当涉及到沙拉时,这可能是一个挑战,因为很多沙拉对剩菜来说不是很好。 本月的食谱就是解决这个问题的方法! Club Salad 将切碎的蔬菜沙拉和意大利面沙拉组合成一顿丰盛的饭菜,您可以在几天内食用。


  • 选择不易枯萎的坚固沙拉绿色。 我最喜欢的是羽衣甘蓝。
  • 等你吃的时候,一次一份地给沙拉调味。 这样可以避免沙拉在冰箱里变湿。
  • 选择不是超级水的切碎蔬菜。 我会选择胡萝卜、西兰花和花椰菜之类的东西。 我会避免黄瓜和西红柿等蔬菜。
  • 在2-3天内吃完。 这个食谱很容易根据你的需要上下调整。

无论您是为自己准备剩菜,还是需要提前为聚会做沙拉,Club Salad 都是一个不错的选择。 在Spend Smart上查看食谱。 吃得聪明。 今天。

Christine Hradek
Christine Hradek

Christine Hradek is a State Nutrition Specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. She coordinates ISU’s programs which help families with low income make healthy choices with limited food budgets. Christine loves helping families learn to prepare healthy foods, have fun in the kitchen and save money. In her spare time, Christine enjoys cooking, entertaining and cheering on her favorite college football teams with her family and friends.

Christine Hradek

Christine Hradek is a State Nutrition Specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. She coordinates ISU’s programs which help families with low income make healthy choices with limited food budgets. Christine loves helping families learn to prepare healthy foods, have fun in the kitchen and save money. In her spare time, Christine enjoys cooking, entertaining and cheering on her favorite college football teams with her family and friends.
