
Sweet Corn Time

July 11, 2022 | Justine Hoover

sweet corn

Each summer we have a window of time when sweet corn is fresh, ripe, and ready to eat. For me, that short window of time makes sweet corn a special food with many good memories attached to it. I smile when I think of times picking sweet corn with my family, eating a sweet corn meal around my parents’ and grandparents’ tables, and watching my children eat their first ears of corn. I even smile when I think about the bags and bags of sweet corn we froze growing up – it was a lot of work, but we always liked thawing a bag of corn for dinner in the winter.

Here in Iowa, sweet corn is usually ready to eat around mid-July. No matter where you live, though, you will know when it is sweet corn time because you can find it just about anywhere – at a roadside stand, at the farmers’ market, in the food pantry, or in the grocery store. On Spend Smart. Eat Smart. we have some resources to go along with your sweet corn:

I hope you enjoy your sweet corn time this summer.

Justine Hoover
Justine Hoover

Justine Hoover is a Registered Dietitian and mom who loves to cook for her family.

Justine Hoover

Justine Hoover is a Registered Dietitian and mom who loves to cook for her family.

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