Spend Smart. Eat Smart.


A Look Through Gale’s Kitchen

April 25, 2020 | Human Sciences Extension and Outreach

Easy Quiche

Hi, my name is Gale and I am a nutrition educator with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. I got inspired by Katy’s kitchen plans to do a little organizing myself.  I don’t have a family to cook for, which means I should be more organized, right?  Not at all.  As I was looking through my kitchen, I found out that my bad habits include:

  • Buying condiments and other ingredients, but not having a plan to use them.  I have five different kinds of mustard and two different types of pesto – what’s up with that?
  • Forgetting the fresh produce I already have. It gets buried in the bin below the newer fruits and veggies I buy.
  • Putting the groceries I just bought in front of the older ones. Just like the produce, I lose sight of foods like rice and dried beans in the pantry.
  • Finding interesting recipes I want to try, but setting the recipe aside with a stack of others.

Since I have been home-bound, I am trying to get better about using up what I have on hand.  That way I can avoid trips to the store.  So…

  • I am putting those condiments to good use.  What does Thai curry sauce taste like on frozen broccoli?  Pretty good, it turns out.
  • I am making one of my favorite Spend Smart. Eat Smart recipes, Easy Quiche. This is a versatile recipe, so I can toss in any fresh veggies that are in my refrigerator. 
  • I am using the slow cooker method of preparing dried beans and making chili with them.  I do not need to buy chili seasoning because, when I searched through my kitchen, I found out that I already have all the spices I need. 
  • I am trying to create meals from what I have on hand instead of relying on a recipe.   Things like canned chickpeas, frozen vegetables, brown rice, cream cheese, and dried peas and beans. Hey, I think I just invented dinner!

Have you gotten creative with the foods you have in your kitchen recently?  If so, please share your ideas with us!

Gale Francione is a program assistant with the Buy. Eat. Live Healthy nutrition program in Scott County.  She loves concocting dinner, especially with left-overs so they become something totally new.

Human Sciences Extension and Outreach

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