
How Many Wooden Spoons Do You Really Need?

February 14, 2011 | Peggy Martin

How Many Wooden Spoons Do You Really Need?

A kitchen filled with equipment, gadgets and an excess of food products can put a damper on preparation (and fun!) just as much as not having the right stuff.  Having to sort through layers is frustrating, as is having to move items from shelf to shelf just to get a cupboard to shut.  Can you relate?  It doesn’t have to be this way though!

Why not take advantage of cold winter days to make our kitchens more convenient so it is easy and quick to make meals or decide what to put on the grocery list.  The Canned Food Alliance has a FABULOUS guide, Essential Kitchen Toolkit that gives tips on creating work centers and organizing your stored food including cupboard shelves, refrigerator, and freezer.  This booklet also includes information on meal planning, meals in minutes, going green in the kitchen, and essential kitchen tools.

Looking at my kitchen supplies, I see an opportunity to fix a problem I have… extras of tools, pans and pots that I rarely use.  The next cold weekend, I am going to purge.  I really do not have extra wooden spoons, but I think I will be amazed at what I have stashed.  Goodwill, here I come.

–pointers from Peggy

Peggy Martin

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