
Did you know there are more than 212 farmers markets located in communities across the state with direct access to Iowa’s nutritious, affordable and delicious products?
To find a market in your area, as well as days and times of operation, check the Iowa Department of Agriculture’s Iowa Farmers Market Directory. It has a full listing of markets found across the state. (If you are in a another state, just Google “farmers market locations.”)
If you are a low-income senior, you can get coupons for fresh produce through the Iowa Area Agencies on Aging. If you are on WIC, ask about coupons at your local agency.
In-season vegetables for July are: beets, bok choy, cabbage, chard, cucumber, new potatoes, snap beans, summer squash, sweet corn and tomatoes.
You can find information on buying fruits and vegetables in season on Spend Smart. Eat Smart.
-pointers by Peggy